Book: Geometric Computing for Perception Action Systems
Author: Eduardo Bayro Corrochano
Formats: pdf, android, ipad, ebook, audio, text, epub
Size: 2.79 Mb
Added to the server: 16.05.2012
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Geometric Computing for Perception Action Systems
E-print archive in various areas of physics, mathematics, nonlinear science, and computer science. Perception (from the Latin perceptio, percipio) is the organization, identification, and interpretation of sensory information in order to fabricate a mental Inria est un organisme public de recherche, dédié aux sciences et technologies du numérique.
Springer - International PublisherA fractal is a mathematical set that has a fractal dimension that usually exceeds its topological dimension and may fall between the integers Fractals are typically e-Print archive
Fractal - Wikipedia, the free
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Geometric Computing for Perception Action Systems
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